一直以来在iOS上使用Microsoft Powerpoint打开.ppt文件时需要在线转换,以前不知道为什么,以为打开任意文件都需要联网。但偶然发现.pptx文件可以直接打开,不需要联网。(以前还觉得微软不厚道,现在看来应该是考虑到容量等问题舍弃了兼容性)
Call oPresentation.SaveAs(sFolder & "N_" & sPresentationName, ppSaveAsPresentation)
Sub BatchSave()
' Opens each PPT in the target folder and saves as PPTX format
Dim sFolder As String
Dim sPresentationName As String
Dim oPresentation As Presentation
' Get the foldername:
sFolder = InputBox("Folder containing PPT files to process", "Folder")
If sFolder = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Make sure the folder name has a trailing backslash
If Right$(sFolder, 1) <> "\" Then
sFolder = sFolder & "\"
End If
' Are there PPT files there?
If Len(Dir$(sFolder & "*.PPT")) = 0 Then
MsgBox "Bad folder name or no PPT files in folder."
Exit Sub
End If
' Open and save the presentations
sPresentationName = Dir$(sFolder & "*.ppt")
While sPresentationName <> ""
Set oPresentation = Presentations.Open(sFolder & sPresentationName, , , False)
Call oPresentation.SaveAs(sFolder & "N_" & sPresentationName & "x", ppSaveAsOpenXMLPresentation)
' New presentation is now saved as N_originalname.pptx
' Now let's rename them - comment out the next couple lines
' if you don't want to do this
' Original.PPT to Original.PPT.OLD
Name sFolder & sPresentationName As sFolder & sPresentationName & ".OLD"
' N_Original.pptx to Original.pptx
Name sFolder & "N_" & sPresentationName & "x" As sFolder & sPresentationName & "x"
sPresentationName = Dir$()
MsgBox "DONE"
End Sub